VCMB Gravel n°15, Buc (47 km, D+ 320m)

DÉTAIL DU PARCOURS : VCMB / Port-Royal / Vallée de la Tarentaise / Villiers-le-Bacle / BUC / Bois des Gonards / Plateau de Satory / Tour de la Minière / Bouviers / MONTIGNY-LE-BRETONNEUX / VCMB , soit 48 km

Created 9 months ago

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Min Elevation
100 m
Average Speed
0 m/s
Max Elevation
177 m
Total Distance
47.02 km
Total Elevation Gain
548 m
Total Time
0h 00m 00s
Total Elevation Loss
548 m
Way Points
Total Ascend
177 m
Track Points
Total Descend
177 m
Route Points
Max Speed
0 m/s
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