
Demo survey to showcase all question types

This is a sample demo survey to showcase all question types available. We will concentrate on showing you the different question types. Each question type has many different...

Demo survey to showcase all question types - with bootstrap card styles applied

This is a sample demo survey to showcase all question types available. We will concentrate on showing you the different question types. Each question type has many different...

Student Assessment of Learning and Teaching

A sample survey to showcase Likert scale type questions using radio buttons grid. This survey is a one-page survey and hides all unnecessary elements needed paging. Download...

Conditional Rules/Skip Logic Demo

This survey is a demonstration of the conditional rules features available in Community Surveys. You can show/hide questions or skip to a page or finish a survey based on user...

test conditional fields


Photo contest


Priority Ranking Survey

Rank the priorities as per your choice

Multipage survey demo

This is a sample multipage demo survey. The consolidated report is shown after completing the survey response.