Lydney to Hereford

Just a test route from Lydney to Hereford
Demo User
Created 2 years ago

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Rating: 3.00

Min Elevation
9 m
Average Speed
0 m/s
Max Elevation
124 m
Total Distance
60.58 km
Total Elevation Gain
822 m
Total Time
0h 00m 00s
Total Elevation Loss
869 m
Way Points
Total Ascend
124 m
Track Points
Total Descend
124 m
Route Points
Max Speed
0 m/s
Values not available in the file may shown as 0.
# Elevation Part Distance Distance Speed Part time Heart Rate
Lydney, Gloucestershire, Royaume-Uni
1 47 m 0 km 0 km 0 m/s N/A N/A
Hereford, County of Herefordshire, United Kingdom
2 123 m 41.34 km 41.34 km 0 m/s N/A N/A
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