Category: Quick Feedback Polls
Multiple-choice polls have two or more options. Radio buttons can be used for single selection polls, and checkboxes can be used for multiple selection polls.
434 vote(s) registered by 2 voter(s).
Last vote 42 minutes ago
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17.97% votes
13.36% votes
23.5% votes
14.98% votes
30.18% votes
[{"id":16,"title":"Less than a year","votes":78,"type":"x","order":1,"pct":17.97,"resources":[]},{"id":17,"title":"More than a year but less than 2 years","votes":58,"type":"x","order":2,"pct":13.36,"resources":[]},{"id":18,"title":"2 to 5 years","votes":102,"type":"x","order":3,"pct":23.5,"resources":[]},{"id":19,"title":"5 to 8 years","votes":65,"type":"x","order":4,"pct":14.98,"resources":[]},{"id":20,"title":"More than 8 years","votes":131,"type":"x","order":5,"pct":30.18,"resources":[]}]
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