what is jomsocial

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JomSocial is a social networking component for Joomla developed by Azrul and his team. The component is used to build a community with your website users.


It is the best Joomla Community Solution by far.


It is not the best community system, but behind the tool there are a very active Dev-Team ...


 Jam social is a beautyful web 2.0 tool. Profile, image, message, status, like dislike, but with community builder you can create your dreamed community....



COREJOOMLA - you need to put * on each field so that I know that they are required, I tired 10 times to fill this out before I figured out that I needed to fill out email and website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now as to the question...
I agree, I like Community Builder more than Jom social and I use it on my site, one thing Community builder is not the best with is however customer support, even if you pay for the documentation. Do try out community builder, but set aside a weekend, because you will be pulling your hair out for a couple day before you realize what an awesome product it truly is.

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